A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can
perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote
control. In practice, a robot is usually an electron-mechanical machine
that is guided by computer and electronic programming.These technologies
deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans, in
hazardous or manufacturing processes, or simply just resemble humans.
Many of today's robots are inspired by nature contributing to the field
of bio-inspired robotics.
i like to share about a movie i watch in our film showing in our
ITELEC 1 subject entitled robot.This is the movie made by an Indian
film.A movie that has so many lesson that you may learn at the same
time it was so fun to watch. The movie goes like this:
DR. Vaseegeran, a scientist specialized in robotics, create a
robot named Chitti in his own image after a decade of research,with the
intention of joining it to the Indian army.His mother suggest naming it
Chitti .At the International Robotic Conference,Vaseegeran introduces
Chitti to all the delegates. Prof. Bohra,the professor of Dr. Vaseegeran
was there and so upset to his student because Dr. Vaseegeran created a
robot better than he does. Meanwhile, Chitti was introduced by dr.
Vaseegeran to his girlfriend, Sana and help her cheat her medical school
exams. When they where caught, Sana lies to the investigators that she
does not know Chitti; thus Chitti learns that human may choose to lie
for self-protection. Vaseegeran prepares Chitti for a panel of
evaluation by Artificial Research and Development (AIRD) Institute,
which is headed by Dr.Bohra. During evaluation , Chitti stabs Vaseegeran
at Bohra's command but not intentionally. Bohra convinces the
evaluation committee that Chitti could not be use by the army because he
could be easily manipulated to turn against it's master. Vaseegeran
decides to program it to have feelings and emotions to understand human.
Chitti gets angry once, which assures him that Chitti can now feel
emotions, Later Chitti successfully handle the complicated childbirth of
Sana's friend. The procedure is covered live by media.Dr. Bohra arrives
to congratulates Dr. Vaseegeran on the achievement. He also lets Chitti
pass the AIRD evaluation. Because Chitti programmed to have feelings
Chitti felt inlove with Sana. This triggers a confrontation between
Vaseegeran and Chitti. Sana tries to explain to Chitti that she can only
love him as a friend and asks him to forget her. When Vaseegeran know
it he got mad to Chitti until go to the point that he should chop
Chitti and throws it away in a dump site. Prof. Bohra found it and refix
it and put a red chip w/ the program to destroy people. Chitti, ruined
Vaseegeran and Sana's wedding and kidnaps and imprison Sana. Chitti
begin to create replicas of itself and kills Dr. Bohra. Soon, Chitti's
army of robots destroyed the city. Vaseegeran stop Chitti by uploading
the worms into Chitti and temporarily bring down the robot army. In the
end Vaseegeran stop Chitti by removing the red chip to Chitti and then
Chitti get back to normal. The court decides to drops all the charges
against Vaseegeran, while concluding that Chitti should be dismantled in
order to avoid further mishaps of same kind in future. At the lab,
Chitti apologizes to Sana and Vaseegeran for the problem it had caused
while dismantling itself.
My reaction in the movie is smart movie, and a good action, and a
great special effect. I was thinking about what happened to the future
when there's a robot that was like a human to think to feel and etc. The
future is not written yet and who knows whether robots are dangerous or
not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will
develop new advanced generations of robots.
It happens so that people and robots go together in this world, in
some spheres of life they are even interchangeable and who knows into
what this opposition “Human and Robots” will translate. Robots and
humans that live and prosper together…Or robots will realize they don’t
need that much…it will be the end of the human raise and only the robot
will live on the earth.
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